Research projects

Contributing to the progress in Neuromodulation: Research projects in the Nordics.

The NNS recognizes the importance of research in neuromodulation and supports the research and development of new therapies and technologies. We wish to contribute to the growing research field and facilitate cooperation between centers and countries.

Objective Data on Daily Activity in Patients Treated With SCS: the Intellis Study

Design: Prospective, open-label, multi-center, observational study.

Centers: Gothenburg (Sahlgrenska), Aalborg, as well as centers in Belgium and the Netherlands.

ClinTrials: NCT04710355

Status: Recruiting ((as of Sept. 2023)

Burst Spinal Cord Stimulation for Neuropathic Pain.

Design: Multicenter double-blinded "n-of-1" RCT.

Centers: Oslo University Hospital and Uppsala Univesity Hospital

ClinTrials: NCT03733886

Status: Recruiting completed, analyzing results (as of Sept. 2023)

Radiofrequency Neurotomy for Chronic Facet Joint Related Neck Pain.

Design: RCT

Center: Oslo University Hospital

ClinTrials: NCT03066960

Status: Recruiting (as of Sept. 2023)