Events NNS

Events and Programs


10th Annual Meeting 2024 in Turku, Finland

In Co-operation with

Neurocenter of Turku University Hospital,

Centre of Excellence in Neuromodulation Therapies of Hospital District of Southwest Finland Wellbeing Services County, and

Finnish Association for the Study of Pain


Wednesday, September 25th to

Friday, September 27th


The (online) registration is available by 31th August 2024

Members of INS/NNS: 200 €
Non-members: 250 €

The registration fee includes participation in the lectures, coffees and lunches at the venue, Get Together event and Networking Dinner.


Turku, Finland

Conference venue

Mauno Koivisto –keskus, BioCity, Tykistökatu 6, Turku


Wednesday 25th September

19.00: Get together with City of Turku, Visitor and Innovation Centre Joki, Lemminkäisenkatu 12 B



Thursday 26th September


Future Brain Neuromodulation: Emerging Techniques & Technologies

08.30 – 09.00: Registration, coffee

09.00 – 09.10: Welcome

Satu Jääskeläinen, Director of Centre of Excellence in Neuromodulation Therapies of Hospital Districtof Southwest Finland Wellbeing Services County


Parallel Session 1: Searching novel targets for therapeutic neuromodulation

Chair Mikael von und zu Fraunberg

09.10 – 09.55: Return of lesions for localization and therapy

Juho Joutsa (University of Turku)

09.55 – 10.40: At the crossroads; taking neuromodulation into clinical practice

Magnus Thordstein (Linköping University Hospital)

10.40 – 11.25: EBRAINS - A digital ecosystem for neuroscience

Viktor Jirsa (EBRAINS)

11.25 – 12.25: Lunch


Parallel Session 2: Novel non-invasive neuromodulation techniques for pain and co-morbidities

Chair SatuJääskeläinen

12.25 – 13.10: Therapeutic transcranial magnetic (rTMS) and direct current (tDCS) stimulation for chronic pain

Satu Jääskeläinen (Turku University Hospital and University of Turku)

13.10 – 13.55: Transcranial brain stimulation for depression and anxiety

Tero Taiminen (Turku University Hospital)


Parallel Sessions 1 & 2: Hands-on neuromodulation for nurses and implanters

Arranged by Finnish Association for Study of Pain

09.10 – 12.10: SCS / DRG / ONS / SNS / PNS implantation and programming - workshop for nurses and implanters

12.10 – 12.55: Lunch

12.55 – 13.55: SCS / DRG / ONS / SNS / PNS implantation and programming - workshop for nurses and implanters


Session 3: Novel focused ultrasound techniques for clinical therapy and research

Chair Jaakko Rinne

13.55 – 14.25: Neuro-HIFU for movement disorders and pain

Janek Frantzén (Turku University Hospital)

Andreas Nørgaard Glud (Aarhus University Hospital)

14.25 – 14.55: Brainswashing with LIFU

Vesa Kiviniemi (Oulu University Hospital)

14.55 – 15.25: Coffee

15.25 – 16.10: KEYNOTE: Brain-Computer Interface - future of brain neuromodulation?

To be confirmed

16.30 – 17.30 General assembly - The board of NNS, Presidentti auditorium

19.00 – 00.00: Networking dinner at restaurant Grädda, Piispankatu 15, Turku



Friday 27th September

Optimizing Efficacy of Neuromodulation in Pain and Epilepsy

Session 4: Improving neuromodulation efficacy with teamwork and digital solutions

Chair Helga Gulisano and Bård Lundeland

08.30 – 09.30: Case discussions: Pocket pain / Influence of trial period / Infection prophylaxy

Kaare Meier (Aarhus University Hospital)

09.30 – 10.00: Rapid fire session: Poster presentations 1-3

10.00 - 10.30: Coffee

10.30 – 11.00 Digital care paths improving the efficacy of SCS treatment

Nora Leino (Oulu University Hospital)

11.00 – 12.00 KEYNOTE: How to manage your team to success?

To be confirmed

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch

09.10 – 09.30: Possibilities of Remote and Digital Technology in SCS

Abbott/Boston Sci TBA

09.30 – 10.00: Rapid fire session

Poster presentations 1-3

10.00 – 10.30: Coffee

10.30 – 11.00: Digital care paths improving the efficacy of SCS treatment

Nora Leino (Oulu University Hospital)

11.00 – 12.00: KEYNOTE: How to manage your team to success?

To be confirmed

12.00 – 13.00: Lunch


Session 5: Novel neuromodulation treatments for pain and epilepsy

Chair Kliment Gatzinsky

13.00 – 13.20: Closed-loop spinal cord stimulation (SCS)

Dave Dinsmoore (Medtronic)

13.20 – 13.40: Multifidus-stimulation

To be confirmed

13.40 – 14.00: Possibilities of Remote and Digital Technology in SCS

Abbott/Boston Sci TBA

14.00 – 14.45: Vagal nerve stimulation for refractory epilepsy

Jukka Peltola (Tampere University Hospital)

14.45 – 15.15: New study on neuromodulation for trigeminal pain

Rares Miscov (Aalborg University Hospital)

15.15 – 15.30: Summary and closing



Photo: Turku Science park (Markus Koljonen, WikiCommons)

Hotel accomodation

Get special rates at Original Sokos Hotel Kupittaa!

Booking ID: NNS2024

Reservations from Central Sales Service Mon–Fri at 8.00–18.00.

+358 300 870 000

Practial information

Need more info?

If you have questions regarding the NNS meeting, do not hesitate to contact us!